

iOS 5.1 Update Does More Than Fix the iPhone's Battery Issues

iOS 5.1 Update Does More Than Fix the iPhone's Battery Issues

ios5_logo.jpgThere's more at stake then just the battery problems some users are having when Apple updates iOS. Expect some good stuff too from the imminent upgrade, including improved Siri functionality.

On a Charge

Apple's first patch for iOS5 fixed some but not all of its problems. The next version, 5.1, is currently with Apple developers to test for compatibility. While there are some reports that not all the issues are fixed, it should still be a big step forward.
When 5.1 (aka Hoodoo as its known internally, check out Apple's cool naming system) is officially released, possibly next week, but definitely before Christmas, it will also offer some useful new updates for users.
UPDATE: Beta 2 of iOS 5.1 is now out with developers and testers and adds the ability to delete photo stream pics, that means removing the cloud copy along with the original on the phone, without jumping through hoops.

Patching Things Up

First up will be the ability for Siri to launch and control some applications. One of these will be the Camera app, so you'll be able to take photos or video without stabbing at the screen and ruining the shot or adding wobble.
Users will also be able to turn off or enable their connectivity options (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Airplane Mode) via voice command, nice if you keep getting those dropped connection warnings in spotty reception areas, but can't be bothered to wade into the Settings menu.

Music and Keys

iTunes fans will be pleased to know that synchronization and streaming of iTunes Match content over 3G will be enabled. That might be the expensive option, but if you're on the road and absolutely must have that track — it could help you out.
Many other tweaks and fixes are also likely to be included, with the likelihood of an updated keyboard for email entry, among others. However, Apple could drop any of these features depending on their stability, usefulness or need and even add new ones.  At least with the power of online updating, it'll be easier to get hold of than in the past.