

Instagram Aims to Reach New Heights, Tests Adding Location And Hashtags in Story Highlights

  • Instagram plans to add Location and Hashtags to Your Story Highlights now.
  • Instagram was first released in 2010, and since then, it has seen many modifications and improvements. Throughout its journey of gradual betterment, the importance of Instagram Hashtags remained consistent.
  • It is common knowledge that hashtags are used to make your content discoverable. The perfect hashtag can put a post in front of the right audience, whether they previously followed you or not!

Instagram Stories are nothing new, as they have been used by many people, even though these stories disappear in 24 hours. To make them more fun and increase the visibility of the profile, Instagram later added a feature called, “Instagram Highlights.”

Instagram Highlights are groups of stories that can be created as folder sections on your Instagram profiles. Once a story is posted, it can be saved in a Highlight, like a folder, that will be displayed on your Instagram profile.

There is an option to archive the stories and in the future create highlights from the saved stories in the archive too.

Now the question arises that why these Instagram Highlights are so Important?

The thing is that the Instagram Stories have become a major portal for varied brands to connect, engage and gain tangible results from their digital marketing ventures. Instagram stories used for business can surge your competitive advantages to newer heights!

So using the Highlights can further enhance your purpose as they let you use this format to tell an ongoing story, make your stories reachable to new followers, promote your previous activities posted in the stories, showcase your services or products in a categorized manner, and provide a library format of all the useful content that you have already shared.

Now think about Instagram letting you add location and hashtags to your Story Highlights – Just imagine the effect it will have on your overall content because the importance of Instagram Hashtags cannot be disregarded. These hashtags are one of the most effective ways to engage more audience on your Instagram posts. Statistically speaking, a post with at least one Instagram hashtag averages 12.6 percent more engagement than posts without a hashtag. So, there is no denying the worth of using proper hashtags for your posts in a strategic manner, so that you can get more followers, improve your posts’ engagement rates, and build a community around your business with proper marketing.

The use of relevant, targeted hashtags on your posts and stories is still one of the best ways to get discovered by new audiences on Instagram already, and a recent development, as spotted by Jane Manchun Wong, is making rounds that the Facebook-owned app is planning to allow Location and up to four Hashtags to your Story Highlights now will up your game to the next level!

Imagine, how amazing it will be!

This can make more engagement possible, with more followers, and more clientele for your business.

The date of launch for this valued feature has not been announced yet but keeping the record of Instagram's constant efforts towards advancement in mind, this feature will likely be added very soon.

Excited, aren’t you?

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