

W3af v1.1 releaased - Web Application Attack & Audit Framework

W3af v1.1 releaased - Web Application Attack & Audit Framework

W3af is a popular web application auditing framework. I already posted previous release of this nice penetration tool. This tool is used to find and exploit the vulnerabilities in a web application. 
This tool is written in python and is available with more that 130 plugins. These plugins are used to enhance the power of this tool. These plugins includes SQL injection, cross site scripting (xss), local and remote file inclusion and many other attack tools

Changes in v1.1

Considerably increased performance by implementing gzip encoding
Enhanced embedded bug report system using Trac’s XMLRPC
Fixed hundreds of bugs
Fixed critical bug in auto-update feature
Enhanced integration with other tools (bug fixed and addedmore info to the file) 

Download Here: