

Hacking the Time

Hacking the time how, Time Travel is possible.

Introduction :.On what our concept is and what its not

Before reading our concept you will have to erase form your memory all the graphical images that u might have acquired form various science fiction movies, this concept is nothing similar.
The sci-fi time machine concepts are those shown in movies are as follows. When a person is moving faster than the speed of light there time begins to slow down. For example you are inside a machine that is traveling very high speed of a month and you stay inside for few minutes, meanwhile 2-3 months will pass for you on earth. Our paper is not that graphical.

Definition of our Ideal Time machine: 
Being in time space dimension, if we are able to change the state of a matter that’s at time ahead of current time, then that phenomenon is called time travelling. And achieving this concept is what we are gone demonstrate in this paper.

Example would be a Christmas star placed on a table at current time T, and if we are able to replace it with a ball at the time T+n . So when we reach the time with value T+n there would be a Ball instead of a star.

To Prove:
It is possible to change the state of a matter which is at time T +n from Time T , where n would be positive real or complex numbers depending on how u define time by stimulated emission of human Thought.

Diagrammatic Explanation on what we are trying to achieve. 

T = Time
T +n = Time ahead current time
★ = Object at time T
0 = Changed state of object at time T+n

What is time space:

Time and space are complex and there is no proper answer as of now. Means defining space-time is not possible, it’s depended on the perception of individuals. According to Einstein’s Special Relativity, Time and Space are relative to the motion of an observer and they are not independent of each other. In short time will move at different speed for two different people moving at different speed, relative to each other, hence Relativity. Hence the faster we go the more time slows. Einstein special relativity theory explains that very well.

Relativity: Einstein's theory of relativity in animations and film clips. Einstein Light
So Time-Space, they are connected to make four-dimensional space (3 for space and 1 for time). So whatever theories we are putting forward would be in Time-Space.

If we want to be ahead of time we need to obviously travel faster than light or at speed of light. And why is it that hard?

Mass energy Equivalence: 

According to Einstein's Mass Energy Equivalence :
E =mc2
• E= Energy
• m =mass
• c = speed of light

The total Energy of an object at rest E is equal to product of its rest mass ‘m’ and a suitable mass to energy conversion factor that was ‘c’ speed of light in vacuum. So energy can be turned into mass and mass to energy.

We also know the kinetic energy is
½ mv2
• m =mass
• v = velocity (Speed of object)

Hence if something is trying to attain the speed of light, it takes more and more energy to move fast and the more energy the more mass it obtains. The following equation tells how much mass appears to increase due to speed of light.

• m = relativistic mass, mass at the speed it is traveling.
• m0 = "rest mass", i.e. mass of object when stationary.
• v = velocity, speed of object.
• c = speed of light.

So it’s impossible for something made of mass to reach the speed of light. So this
Makes it almost impossible for time travel! , is it ? Well the possibility now is that we could use a mass less object like light (photon) . Gravity particles (gravitons) and strong force particles (gluons) , as such particles could travel at the speed of light.
Good read on mass of photons .

What could travel faster or at speed of light or faster?
Well we believe human thoughts could .

What are Human Thoughts and how could they travel faster than light?
How could Thought travel faster than light, don’t they have mass.?

We will answer the following questions.

Human Thoughts:

Certain people define Thought as “ill-defined notion of state of mind” and they say it doesn’t have mass, since it’s non-material in nature.

Thoughts are formed when brain neurons fire. Neurons electrically excitable cells found in the nervous system of all animals. Each neuron has thousand of dendrites and axons that connect it to each other neurons. They are like interconnected wires. They are elector chemical in nature and hence they are capable to transmitting signals, either long distance or short distance (inter neuron communication)

So when normal thought process is going on a large no of neurons would be firing from a certain portion of the brain. The neurons would be communicating via chemical signals and electrical signals. The produced electrical signals are transmitted from one neuron to another.

A brain could also be made a photodiode, yes we could make brain responds to light and produce electrical signals (Photoelectric Effect). Many optogenetics experiments and researches have already proved it. Optogenetics is mainly tweaking of brain cells to make it light sensitive, then using preciously focused light to affect those cells.
A good research demo, controlling an experimental mouse using the above mention concept could be read form the following paper.

Now that if we could make brain photoelectric then we could stimulate something similar to Inverse Photoelectric Effect on brain. If we could possibly make the brains produce light signals when introduced to an electric field and then make it produce photon like waves, well then we would be half way done on what we are trying to achieve.

A not exact but kind of similar research was successfully done by Researchers at Harvard University.

To Read:

Now we do not want to call the produced particles photons, since they are not exactly photons, but we could say photon like particles that could travel at or more than ‘speed of light’. Let us name it thought rays (T-rays) for time being
So if we could make firing of neurons produce a very small amount of T-rays, thereby causing a holographic effect of your thoughts and if we accelerate the brain in producing high frequency T-rays. Then we would be able to achieve time travel.

The above properties explain conversion of thoughts to T-rays. Lets now explain what photons are and how T-rays having property of photon useful for us. Photons are the basic unit of light. They are both particle and wave nature. Photon could travel at speed of light ‘c’ in vacuum. Its energy is denoted by.

C= speed of light
P = magnitude of momentum vector
λ = wavelength

Photons are massless..
They have no electric charge and do not decay spontaneously in vacuum. They have both particle and wave nature. The above properties of photons make it very much possible to travel at speed of light. Light is made of photons.

From the above we will have to say human thoughts could be converted to photon and could travel at the speed of light. But these converted thoughts are not steady and are random. We need strong steady energy to make change in matter hence utilizing these thought to achieve time travel won’t be directly possible.

This could be possible by stimulated emission of thoughts supplying electrical signals and chemical stimulation to brain neurons, and there by producing concentrated T-rays from deep thoughts.

Stimulated Emission Considering Brain to act as a photdiode: Subjecting human brains to electromagnetic field we would be able to accelerate the production of thoughts and make strong concentrated ones . The process would be very much similar to stimulated emission of photons and production of X-rays.

Here we would excite certain region of the brain that control specific thought process and stimulate them. We would need to artificially subject brain to electrical signals signals and subject it to incident light.Consider like this, when a neutron [which are charged by external electric signals] which was at ground Zero [rest] is artificially made to stimulate by a photon, or any sort of elector magnetic radiations, it would excite to a different energy state[thought] process, but it won't be able to retain that position and will excite back to ground 0 state .Such a transition could produce another incident photon, this way we would be able to convert the generated thoughts to incident light[photons] . The produced photons would be having the exact same property as that of incident beam . We would be able to do optical amplification and produce a high intensity thought waves T-rays.

These rays could be produced in such a way that we could feed it with specific instruction from our brain, on what to do. And such a ray would be able to accelerate at speed of light and changed a matter that would be ahead of current time. Since it's of high intensity changing a matter would be possible for T-rays. So this way it would be possible to achieve time travel concept

Note: This document is not complete and would be surely updated with more technical explanation and diagrams. I need to work on my Nullcon Paper , so pausing this stuff.



Spontaneous emission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Relativity: Einstein's theory of relativity in animations and film clips. Einstein Light
Introduction to special relativity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies
E = mc^2: Deriving the Equation
E=mc2 Explained
Relativity: Einstein's theory of relativity in animations and film clips. Einstein Light
Inertial frames... what is stationary? The ether (aether)?
Time Dilation, Length Contraction and Simultaneity (from Einstein Light)
Q & A: The Speed of Light | Starts With A Bang!
Relativity: Einstein's theory of relativity in animations and film clips. Einstein Light
Stimulated emission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Massless particle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What is the mass of a photon?
Nerve Signaling