Instant Messengers(IM) have been adding more features than the regular chat with friends.You can send and receive messages from your YAHOO friends in real-time via SMS.
If you set Yahoo account on ‘I am on SMS’, then your Yahoo messenger friends can send you free SMS. When you are offline, your friends will see ‘Im on SMS’ next to your ID. They can click on your ID and send message which you will receive on your mobile phone.
This is all free, you will only incur charges if you reply to any of received SMS from your mobile phone.Here’s how you can set it up on your mobile device.
It requires latest YAHOO! MESSENGER 11.
Click here to Download Yahoo! Messenger 11.ver.
When prompted, save the .exe file to your desktop. Then double click the Yahoo! Messenger 11 file on your desktop to begin installation.
After installing YAHOO! MESSENGER 11, fallow the below steps
Step1. Log in Yahoo Messenger. Then click on ‘Messenger’ (top left corner) tab and click on ‘Sign in to Mobile Device’,
Step2. In the next window select country from drop down menu and enter your mobile number. You don’t have to enter country code, just enter your mobile number without any country code.
Step3. You will receive verification SMS with a code like 4736. Enter that code in the next window and its all done. Now you can organize your mobile account(see below picture) by clicking the mobile icon in your messenger.
Sign to 91xxxxxxxxxx(your mobile no.), and
Sign-out. From the two options
choose Sign to 91xxxxxxxxxx.

This is very handy, till now not even single message was lost and SMS are delivered instantaneously. Again, there are NO charges to receive messages from friends. You will only incur charges if you reply to friend via receive message.
NOTE: If you want to change your mobile number at any time, You can edit your mobile settings on Yahoo messenger by clicking ‘Messenger’ -> ‘Preferences’ (or use Ctrl + Shift + P) Checkout settings at the bottom of the window.
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