


While surfing in the web, I got this article from tipradar, I am sharing that here.
Mobile phone viruses are often the culprits behind lagging phone functionality and identity theft, and mobile phone owners should be more vigilant in protecting their devices from such malicious programs. If you have a lot of sensitive information on your phone or perform private activities on it, such as mobile banking and fund transfers, you should have even more reason to worry about your phones security. Fortunately, there are steps you may take to protect yourself and your device, and most of them are premised on the same precautions given to computer owners wary of virus infection.

The first thing you learn in avoidance of viruses is to be careful about what you download, especially when they are binary files (that is to say, applications). Most viruses reside in applications, which is why mobile phone viruses have become more of a concern than ever, now that smartphones are taking over the market and phone applications are spreading faster than ever.
Clearly, you should then be wary of downloading any applications from sites that do not look professional or do not have established reputations. Download only applications from sites that have been verified by other users and look for applications that have been reviewed, so that you know that the application is safe for installation. Always search for warning on an application before running it on your phone. Never download or run anything sent to you before you have run this check on a search engine, even if a friend sends you a program or a patch. Some viruses self-propagate and use infected mobiles to send out infected material.
Another thing you want to do is distrust every message randomly sent to you through Bluetooth. The best thing to do is just to put your Bluetooth settings on hidden, but if this is not possible, just avoid every message that comes without forewarning. If the message is unsolicited or unexpected and you receive it while you are in a public space, the chances shall be quite high that it is a virus attempting to access your mobile phones computer. And no, just because it calls itself a security patch does not mean it actually is one: remember that it is only a trustworthy security patch if it actually is something you are downloading from the website of your mobile phones manufacturing company. Be smart and avoid anything else that masquerades as a security patch, or you may end up opening a virus that shall crash your phones system.
Finally, you should install a security application or program on your smartphone. There are several good applications now that act more or less like mobile phone antivirus software, protecting your system from various threats. A lot of these are available for free, but some cost a price. Whatever the case, be sure that you have something protecting your phone, in case something gets past you and you make an error. Every computer geek knows that a great antivirus is priceless, and the same goes for the phone security application for those who are attached to their mobiles.