

Boeing brings GPS ground systems support to U.S. Air Force

American aerospace giant Boeing on Monday announced that, as part of a larger Raytheon team, it will develop portions of the U.S. Air Force’s new ground control system.
The bid: to offer more secure, accurate and precise navigation for military, humanitarian and commercial use.
The development contract is worth more than $880 million over six years, including five option years for sustainment. It was awarded by the Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center’s GPS Wing.
GPS OCX, or the space-based global positioning system advanced control segment program, is part of a major effort tomodernize the existing GPS network.
The important takeaway: enhanced capabilities for warfighters.
Boeing has provided ground operations sustainment support for the current GPS II fleet for almost 10 years.
Under GPS OCX, Boeing says it will provide infrastructure, development of the ground systems, and continued 24/7 operational and sustainment support for current and future GPS satellite systems.
GPS OCX will replace the current GPS Operational Control System while maintaining backward compatibility with the Block IIR and IIR-M constellation, providing command and control of the new GPS IIF and GPS III families of satellites, and enabling new, modernized signal capabilities.
The company said it will install hardware and software at GPS control stations at Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado and Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.
Boeing is currently under contract to build 12 GPS Block IIF satellites, which are expected to form the core of the GPS constellation.