

Facebook Messenger Puts A Limit To The Number of Threads For Forwarding A Message; Aims To Stop Misinformation Regarding Coronavirus

As the coronavirus outbreak has caused numerous amount of challenges for the technology-oriented companies around the globe, the situation hasn’t been any different for Facebook as well.

The social media giant is facing its biggest battle of fighting against misinformation that is being spread rapidly across the platform on an everyday basis. But the steps that the company is taking rapidly to prevent unnecessary panic might soon get them their reputation back in the eyes of people.

According to the recent developments, as caught by the famous reverse engineer Jane Manchun Wong, Facebook has tweaked its Messenger app by limiting the number of people you can forward a message to at a single time. This is done specifically to add frictions in the way users around the globe are spreading misinformation almost every other hour.

In a GIF shared by Jane, one can see the user trying to send a “test message” to a number of threads but as soon as she ticks of five people in her friend list, Facebook warns about the limit with a pop-up notification. Hence, that means even if a user wants to send a piece of misinformation to others, Facebook won’t allow him to forward it to more than 5 friends or groups now.

Facebook has adopted this approach from Whatsapp as they first tried the technique of limiting the number of people you can forward a message to in everyone’s top favorite chatting app and eventually the experiment also resulted into a significant decline in misinformation being spread.

Coronavirus has put the health of millions around the world at risk and with that, the markets are also on their knees. This is the time when the world needs Facebook’s help and fortunately, the company is constantly delivering whatever is possible by collaborating with governments, emergency response organizations and small businesses, along with easing up the pressure for its employees and users as well.

While misinformation creates panic which can be more dangerous than the coronavirus itself for so many populations, let’s hope Facebook’s attempt to put a break to all the wrong messages work!

Read next: Coronavirus is Impacting the Social Media Ads We See

Facebook taking pro-active measures: Making amends while lending a helping hand in times of crisis

  • Facebook has been taking prompt actions in response to the global crisis of coronavirus pandemic.
  • The company is trying hard to regain public trust, and the measures it is taking are the need of the hour.

With the world crumbling apart, the economy crashing down, millions of people getting sick daily and many succumbing to the disease - hypothetically speaking, the world seems to be going through a major apocalypse! Coronavirus pandemic has hit the planet hard, and every individual is facing the brunt of the extremely distressing situation.

In current times, the powerful role of social media platforms cannot be negated. People are in a lockdown situation. When the coronavirus outbreaks began in January, people started posting all sorts of mythical and falsified information about the disease and social networks like Facebook did not pay much attention to all that initially. This led them to gain mass dis-trust and severe criticism from everywhere.

But this was not the first time. Facebook has been going through a challenging period since the 2016 U.S. election. The company came under massive criticism in not controlling misinformation and propaganda ahead of the election. This resulted in the company to come under blasting radars and get branded for its other numerous scandals.

Facebook failed to learn its lesson and then in March 2018, the company’s reputation got severely affected by the Cambridge Analytica scandal, in which a political firm managed to get access to the data of millions of Facebook users and used it illegally to target ads for Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. Facebook had to face a whopping $5 billion fine from the Federal Trade Commission.

After these serious failures to protect public data and for its lenient policies, the company faced another blow in 2019 when four separate antitrust investigations launched against it.

However, after going through all this, Facebook seems to have learned its lesson the hard way. To rebuild public trust and as a goodwill gesture, Facebook has taken swift and highly effective actions since February 2020, during the coronavirus pandemic.

Along with other tech firms, Facebook made serious efforts to do content policing, fact-checking of ads, blocking the “overnight sellers” from taking advantage of people’s fears!

Facebook has been showing keen interest in trying to help governments, small businesses, emergency response organizations and its employees in this time of mass distress and chaos.

Recently, the CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg said that they want to make sure that they do whatever it takes to help support the public health response. He also praised and personally thanked the people who are doing everything to help the world in this crisis.

Facebook lent its Menlo Park headquarters to World Health Organization, leaders from Amazon, Google, Salesforce and other tech firms to come together and discuss the measures these companies can take to provide solutions for the coronavirus pandemic.

Some of the steps that Facebook has taken in this regard are making sure that everyone has accurate information, and this feat has been carried out through the launch of Coronavirus Information Center on Facebook, directing and connecting people towards accurate information sources, supporting health authorities in the provision of credible information, prompting Instagram to connect people with helpful information, fact-checking and monitoring the content being shared, getting expert health tips from Dr. Fauci, supporting the collaboration of WHO with WhatsApp, banning ads for face masks, hand sanitizers and other stuff that can potentially lead already distressed people to get scammed.

Apart from these efforts, Facebook is supporting global health organizations by allocating $20 million in donations to support COVID-19 relief efforts, and through free ads and a lot more.

It’s not only trying to help the general masses, but it’s also empowering its partners with data and tools. The company has given a $1,000 bonus to 45000 full-time employees to help them with their finances during their work-from-home setup.

Each employee will be able to receive more than their full bonus for the six months because the company has decided to give every employee exceeds expectations performance ratings for half of the year 2020.

The company is also lending support to communities and offering free workplace for companies in need. Facebook has announced a $100 million program to help small businesses that have been hit hard by the pandemic.

Despite doing so much for the people, Facebook itself has seen a downhill road due to this global crisis. Its shares are also going down this year. However, Facebook coming forward with responsible actions for the world has somewhat earned it forgiveness for its past missteps and maybe now it's on the way to mend its reputation in the eyes of the world.

Read next: Coronavirus Pandemic – Implications on the World Economy

Mobile Gaming Stands Above Console and PC Gaming As A $100 Billion Industry

2019 was the year when mobile gaming not only became everyone’s preference but also saw a 25% increase in spending as compared to other formats of gaming. With such statistics in place, experts predicted that the years ahead will only get better for mobile gaming and eventually the guesses are becoming true.

Began 2020 and the Weekly global number of games downloaded right in the week of Feb 23, 2020 turned out to be 20% higher than the average weekly level, which was set in the Q4 of 2019. China had the biggest week in 2019 in terms of Games downloads on iOS in between the dates of Feb 2-8, 2020.

Now with Coronavirus making people stay glued to their mobile screens and sit idol at home, it is obvious that more consumers will try out mobile gaming more and make 2020 the biggest year to date for mobile gaming.

Mobile Gaming Leaving Behind Computers and Consoles

In 2019, mobile gaming outpaced all forms of gaming - whether the competition was with consoles or PC/MAC gaming. The total spend turned out to be 2.4x more than PC/MAC gaming and 2.9x more than that of home consoles. Besides that, we also saw franchises like Call of Duty and Mario Kart tour shifting to the mobile platform because they knew that mobile was about to democratize gaming and give anyone the opportunity to enjoy their favorite games with heavy graphics on mobile anytime, anywhere.

But that was still just a start!

Expansion of Market Will Only Benefit Publishers More

With an in-depth research by App Annie regarding the type the of games that are capturing the attention of users, 47% of the top 100 game downloads in 2019 were casual arcade games and core games came around 18%, with 55% time spent in top games.

However, when it came to the matter of consumer spend (as highlighted in chart below), core games dominated the category with 76% consumer spends. Much of the credit for this success goes to the nature of core games as gamers get engaged in all sorts of customization, competitive online play and even season pass memberships.

The total spend overall doesn’t belong to the big publishers only anymore. There are emerging players who have also crossed $5 million annual consumer spend with amazing games. Moreover, the total number of games crossing $100 million annual consumer spend also experienced a 29% growth in 2019 when compared with 2017- where it all began.

Moving Forward...

As the prediction regarding mobile gaming surpassing $100 million in consumer spend goes on, this mark can be achieved with following the trends with great precision and more engaging games. The publishers have started off well with their research and will continue to inspire the emerging companies to create great games with a massive mobile gaming market out there, a lot still is left to be done in order to astonish the world with the potential that mobile gaming holds.

Read next: The Surprisingly Long History of eSports (infographic)

Research Proves Why YouTubers Watch What They Watch In A Day

We have reached that point in time where almost all of us cannot imagine our days without YouTube. While the largest video-sharing platform has really brought the world together, the company recently carried out an interesting study regarding why YouTubers watch what they have watched in the past 24 hours.

YouTube began by asking the similar question from around 12,000 people that fell in between the age group of 13-64 and then shared the results via Think With Google.

First of all, the respondents watched a variety of content that ranged well from traditional media to videos only available online. Then they gave multiple reasons behind selecting a certain video from a list of 20 and that includes how one video helped people to relax and unwind, taught something new, allowed them to dig deeper into their interests; made one laugh or even because they had a passion related to the video.

YouTube's study stated that almost 70% of the global viewers let their moods make the choice of content and this further indicates how videos play a very personal role in our lives now. So, as soon as our mood changes, the choice of videos that we watch on internet also changes.

Be it learning new skills or seeking for advice, people around the globe now watch videos for more than merely entertainment. While many now learn life through it, some were also adamant to accept that they don’t know how they would get through life without watching videos every day.

Some other findings by YouTube include:
  • Viewers like content that specifically relate to their personal interests and passions more.
  • The ability of content to make people dig deep for exploring their interests stands of as much importance as high production quality, being on a preferred network/platform or even starring famous actors.
  • The Traditional TV-era makers now remain of less importance to the viewers.
  • Younger generations like Millennials and Gen-Zers search for more short-form content in the names of webisodes, tutorials or short video clips made by professionals.
Of all the video streaming services used worldwide, YouTube was by far the most common.

All in all, YouTube is here with a proof that with so many choices in content, people now watch videos with a different approach. They are now liberated to choose what really matters to them on a personal level.

But What Does This All Mean For Marketers?

Aim To Become Relatable:
It’s time to relate to your audience, all with the help of knowing their personal interests. However, bear in mind that the interest should not be your own expectations or guesses, you will have to follow the behavior. For instance, if your target is people who are looking for self-improvement, don’t keep your research restricted to your own alone self.

Go Beyond Entertainment:
46% of global viewers have admitted that they watch new videos to learn something new from them. Fortunately enough, videos have emerged from an awareness-only medium to an engaging one and the ad strategies should incorporate the changes.

Prefer Passion over Production:
When it came to choosing what to watch, respondents chose passion 1.6 times more than production quality. This overall means that people care more about what the content speaks to them instead of looking all fancy and premium.

Read next: Google and YouTube Introduces New Resource Pages to Help Teachers and Families to Educate Students At Home

A New Google Messages Update Comes With An Image Editing Feature

Google is making efforts to offer a better messaging experience for Android users by adding more features to Google Messages. It seems like Google has decided to develop its SMS app at full steam. It might be possible that the Google Messages app becomes a possible Facebook or Whatsapp messenger substitute for many people. In its efforts to bring the app to a new level, Google Messages has now finally launched an image markup tool in its latest beta update.

The folks at Android Police first spotted the new image editing tool in Google Messages version 5.9. To use the tool, you need to attach an image to a text and tap on the image before sending it. A preview of the image will be opened you will see an option to edit the image in the top right corner. You can add texts and overlays to any image with the help of this tool. A pencil, a sharpie, and a transparent highlighter are available in 9 colors. These 9 colors will ensure that you are having enough contrast to make your texts pop on your images. The font of the text added to images can’t be changed but there is an option to change the color. After you are done typing the text, you can move your words freely around the photo by holding on the words and place it anywhere on the image. You can also open an already sent image in a chat and edit it. After editing, you can send the image back or save the edited image directly to your phone.

Although, I feel that not everyone will probably need this tool but I am sure that this will come in handy from time to time. This tool is similar to the tools added to Duo and Images by Google recently. Facebook and Whatsapp messenger also incorporates these type of features.

You can get Google Messages having the new image markup tool from the Play Store by signing up for the public beta. This feature is still a bit unstable. So, don’t be surprised if the new feature crashes as there is a reason it’s still in beta.

Read next: Google Will Let Users Resize Picture-In-Picture Window With Android 11 Update

Fighting Fake News: WhatsApp introduces a search feature to let users Google the content of forwarded messages

In the days of the pandemic coronavirus, WhatsApp is testing a feature that would provide ground to their 2 billion users to verify the information they received.

Facebook owned application has been testing this feature since last year to make the platform more authentic and reliable. WhatsApp informed media outlets that the feature will be rolled out soon to empower all users. By leveraging this feature users could quickly search the body of forwarded messages in Google, this will help them check whether the information is fake or correct. This feature is currently available to only Whatsapp beta testers.

Currently, Whatsapp is being used to inform and circulate the content about coronavirus crisis.

Therefore, WhatsApp approached government of different countries last month to use its platform to inform the public.

Recently, World Health Organization has joined WhatsApp to provide authentic information about the virus to masses. The WhatsApp stated that it is the official NGO to use messaging app to spread awareness. The app further stated that Singaporean government, Health department of South Africa, Health Ministry of Israel and Indonesia's KOMFINO also joined the application to inform their citizens as fast as possible.

Moreover, India Health Department has used the services of the social media to spread awareness in the country to halt the spread of the virus.

However, the application has been trying since 2019 to fight against misinformation.

WhatsApp is now the need of the world. Therefore, it is important to introduce the important fact-checking features as soon as possible otherwise people would be misinformed which could cost the lives of humans or would result in snatching away of their right to know the truth. WhatsApp is the most used messaging app around the world. Therefore, it is important for this platform to be authentic and true information provider.

Unsure whether the message your received is factually correct or fake? Thankfully, Whatsapp is here to help. A new feature will let you search the content of forwarded messages in Google search to help you further distilled down your research.

Read next: WhatsApp planning to launch self-destructing messaging feature

Instagram Rolls Out 'Stay Home' Sticker To Promote Social Distancing

  • Instagram introduces a new ‘stay home’ sticker and story to encourage social distancing among the masses.
  • The curated story appears on top of all of the friends’ posts.
  • Other social media companies applying changes in reaction to the coronavirus crisis in their own unique ways.

The WHO advises the people to stay home to slow down the spread of the coronavirus. The virus still does not have any cure but there is a chance to slow down its spread by maintaining a distance of 1-2 meters apart among the people. So, to encourage social distancing, Instagram launched a new ‘stay home’ sticker in stories. We can’t say how effective these cause-related stickers are but Instagram keeps on releasing them that shows they are somewhat effective. In ordinary circumstances, Instagram stories are filled with snaps from festivals, parties, and social gatherings, etc. But the circumstances are not the same now, so people need to stay home to avoid the spread of the coronavirus. This sticker might make staying home more fun.

The new sticker appears to have a more strong emphasis from the platform as the stories with this sticker will appear on top of other friend’s posts. Instagram also created a new group story that will gather stories tagged with the new ‘stay home’ sticker. It appears that for now you will only be able to see posts from your friends in the group story.

Anything that can help spread awareness among the masses is important because people are not taking this issue seriously, said Paul, founder of Likemind Media and was among the first creators to use the new ‘stay home’ sticker.

The coronavirus death toll continues to rise up day-by-day, but some people are still not taking the situation seriously and continue to go out in public gatherings. You can still be carrying the virus even if you don’t show any symptoms, so it will be better to avoid going out and attending public gatherings. It’s good to see that Instagram is at least trying to highlight the key message and is encouraging social distancing.

Other social media platforms such as Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter and Whatsapp are also applying reactive changes to the coronavirus pandemic in their own unique ways. Whatsapp launched a chatbot in partnership with the World Health Organization to fight COVID-19 misinformation. The new chatbot will provide the latest information about the coronavirus and will also dispel fake news about the coronavirus and its spread. To use the chatbot, just simply add ‘+41 79 893 1892’ to your phone texts and send ‘Hi’ in a Whatsapp message. Facebook on the other hand has added a COVID-19 information page at top of the user’s newsfeed.

Read next: Instagram Working on a Feature to Allow Setting Privacy Differently On Each Story

Working from Home Because of Coronavirus? Effective Technology Makes It Easier

When you’ve never worked from home before, it can be a significant change from how you’ve worked before. It’s certainly true that some employers – maybe the majority – will provide the necessary equipment and/or software to facilitate this mass movement to temporary home working due to the Coronavirus. It may not be the best choice, and remote workers always have the option to pick other, better alternatives. Some of these are free or offer free 30-day trials. However, for people remunerated based on their productivity level or who must maintain a certain level to stay gainfully employed, the best tools may be required.

Here are some technology-related ideas worth considering.

Private VPN to Make Remote Connections More Secure

A private virtual private network (VPN) acts to provide end-to-end encryption to all communications on a PC. For companies that are letting some staff log into their corporate network from outside the office building, using a VPN ensures that the login process is safer, and the information obtained during the connection is securely sent and received.

Using a VPN goes beyond what SSL provides through secure web pages by adding different layers of encryption. There are many different VPN providers, so it’s difficult to know which one to choose. To help you, here is a privateVPN review to look over.

Communicating with the Team Remotely

Many companies aren’t set up for real-time communications via chat apps yet. The belief was often that it would lead to wasted time that could be better spent elsewhere. However, remote workers have known for years that being able to quickly touch base with a colleague in real-time is better than composing a full email and needing to stop and wait for the reply before continuing.

For remote working, communication/collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams, Skype or Slack all have their place. If your company has already selected or used one platform, then stick with that. However, if they haven’t, and you’re used to using a certain app, then recommend it to the remote integration team.

Group Task Management

Task and project management for departments is critical to ensure companies can meet their objectives. With this level of organization, it’s much harder to manage workflows using other methods like email or a general noticeboard system.

At the most basic end, it’s possible to use free Google Sheets to set up a single Excel-compatible spreadsheet or Word document. From there, managers can provide a list of tasks and group them by the person or team responsible for their completion. Deadlines and other information can also be included, edited in real-time, and viewed by other staff members virtually instantly.

There are some task management tools like Microsoft To-Do app that allow for individual tasks to be assigned to different people. Projects can also be created by setting up a task and then adding steps to its ultimate completion.

Also, advanced tools like Asana or Microsoft Project allow for a granular level of detail on projects, tasks, and assignment decision management.

Clean Up the PC for Faster Running

If you’ll be using a personal laptop as your workhorse at home, then you have greater freedom of what software to add.

When the PC isn’t that new, then it may have slowed down considerably. It’s a good idea to use a utility that can clean up the system, delete unnecessary registry entries, and defragment the hard drive. This will lead to a smoother running and faster booting system.

For the PC, you might wish to try Advanced SystemCare from IObit. With a Mac, CleanMyMac X or MacBooster 7 both have some good features. Don’t forget a solid antivirus and antimalware package too.

Android App Platform Safer to Install New Apps

Google has confirmed that the app protection program, Play Protect, is now to become a default feature of the Play Store.

For Android users, this ensures that apps are safer to install. iOS has similar app monitoring systems to catch malicious code inside mobile apps.

Blocking Tools to Stay Focused

The number of distractions when trying to work at home is considerable. Whether it’s the kids being home from school, the dog wanting to play, or the nearby TV begging for attention is immaterial. It is usually much harder to get things done at home than people imagine, especially when they have never had to deal with that aspect before.

Using browser extensions, add-ons or installed software that actively block access to chosen websites that you can waste hours on is the answer. Tools like StayFocusd, Net Nanny, Barracuda Web Blocker, and K9 Web Protection are all solid options here.

Once you have the right technology at your disposal, it becomes infinitely easier to get important work done from home. Without them, you’ll be struggling until the Coronavirus is a thing of the past.

Read next: The Latest Tech That Can Help You Work Smarter, Not Harder, As You Work Remotely (infographic)

How Safe Are Google's Android Auto and Apple's Car Play?

The world has shifted to the applications and digital tools. However, not all of them are good to use and beneficial. Some of them are dangerous because of being a source of distraction. And unfortunately, two of them are Google's Android Auto and Apple's Car Play.

The two software are used for navigation and driving purposes but a study from I AM RoadSmart and TRL reveals that Android Auto and Car Play can distract drivers. The report says that drivers delay around a second when they don’t use these infotainment devices but the users of these touch systems can have 57% and 53% of increase in reaction time, when playing music through Spotify using the Car Play and Android Auto, respectively. Besides, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says that users take off their eyes from the roads more than the given guidelines due to which the position and speed of the car suffered significantly.

The applications are considered to distract more than texting and driving after having cannabis. The report highlighted that the voice commands are not as effective as touch of Android Auto and Car Play but the touch screen divert attention more than other activities.

Therefore, I AM RoadSmart asked the drivers and chauffeurs to operate the applications or set them before starting their journey. Besides, they guided them to use Auto Car after parking the car in the corner of the road to get guidelines. However, they ask authorities to review them further.

The chart below lists the activities that effect the driver's reaction more. According to the research, drinking could slow the reaction by 12 percent while cannabis and hands-free phone by 21 and 27 percent. The graphic shows that drivers would react 30, 35 and 36 percent slowly if they use voice command of Android Auto, do texting and use voice commands of Apple CarPlay respectively. Meanwhile Hand-held phone and touch functions of Android Auto and CarPlay could slow the reaction time by 46, 53 and 57 percent.

Although, authorities are against the two, the users find info and entertainment boxes very helpful and effective. According to their reviews, the application assist them to reach at place on time and help them to focus more on roads with their voice commands.

How safe are in-vehicle infotainment systems?

Read next: Americans and their addiction with phones

Combating Burnout In The Workplace (infographic)

Burnout is a serious problem that is receiving more attention than ever. When you experience stress, there are two ways to handle it. Either you deal with and release that stress or you hold on to it and it builds up. When a person experiences chronic stress, eventually their stress levels overload and can lead to burnout. In the United States, 51% of workers say they have felt burned out more than once, and 77% of professionals and 84% of Millennials have experienced burnout at some point in their careers. What is burnout and how can we address the burnout epidemic that is sweeping the nation?

Burnout Culture In The U.S. Workplace

64% of American workers say they feel stressed or frustrated at work at least once a week, but this doesn’t mean every one of them is suffering from burnout. In order for normal, day-to-day stress to turn into burnout it would need to build over time. If you experience normal daily stressors like deadlines and failures, chances are you are going to move forward from them relatively easily. But when you start to experience the same frustrations on a regular basis, it becomes harder to move on from them. When stress starts to build it leads to burnout.

During times of stress, your body’s cortisol levels can increase two to five times. When these cortisol levels are sustained for a long period of time it can increase your blood pressure and A1C levels as well as lower your immunity. Over time this can lead to hypertension, type II diabetes, heart disease, depression, and more. There is a real and physical consequence to burnout and prolonged stress, so fighting your stress is crucial for your long-term health and well-being.

Avoiding Chronic Stress And Burnout

In order to effectively deal with stress, it’s important to understand the root of the stress. Identifying stressors can help you put in place ways to deal with it so it doesn’t build up. If you are stressed about too many deadlines, you can ask for accommodations at work to help you better manage them. If you are stressed about interacting with a particular client, you can ask to be reassigned.

If your source of stress is something that is unavoidable in your daily work activities, it is still possible to manage that stress. Start by establishing a routine. Controlling some of the unknowns in your schedule can help you feel better predictability in your day-to-day routine. Prioritize your day so that you are completing the most important tasks first and leaving the least important tasks until last so that if things carry over it’s not something that is going to stress you out.

When you are home from work, ensure you are following a routine, getting enough sleep, exercising, and eating right. Socialize with friends and family, meditate, and know when it’s time to seek out professional help in the form of therapy, yoga, or even medical intervention.

Not getting enough sleep can lead to burnout and burnout can lead to a decreased ability to sleep. Maintaining a routine with good sleep hygiene, including turning off screens at least an hour before bedtime, can go a long way. Physical activity can also help you burn off your excess cortisol levels. After all, they are an artifact from when fight or flight kept humans alive on a daily basis, so it makes sense that exercise can help.

Learn more about burnout and chronic stress as well as how to keep it at bay from the infographic below. Are you ready to learn how to combat burnout in the workplace?

This infographic outlines the science behind burnout and chronic stress as well as how to handle it.

Read next: The Latest Tech That Can Help You Work Smarter, Not Harder, As You Work Remotely (infographic)